This morning I was praying for my three sweet nieces who are now 14, 15,& 16 and away on Mission Trips and Summer Camps with the student ministry of their churches.
Having had the privilege of being a part of numerous summer camp adventures, I was reminded of the numbers of hours that go into preparing for a week away with hundreds of teenagers. The teenagers have student pastors and interns and adult leaders who have chosen to use this week to invest in and plant seeds that will reap a harvest for GENERATIONS TO COME!
From late night talks on creaky bunk beds, to consoling a student who might be a little homesick, these adult leaders and student pastors and interns are continually pouring into students day after day and night after night- giving many parents a bit of summer vacation also :)
They have spent countless hours praying for the students they will have all week, as well as, countless hours lining up speakers, band, counselors, activities, buses, food menus, stage set up,- and much, much more!
This blog is a simple reminder to PRAY for not only our students, but the many leaders who are away from their families investing into these students- and the future generations! Strive to take time to send them a letter or email of thanks for all that they do or I'm sure they'd be grateful for a gift card or some type of happy that lets them know that their investments have not gone unnoticed!!
Below are a few verses that I would love for you to join me in praying for our leaders who will be teaching this upcoming generation!
Proverbs 11:25 - Pray that these leaders will be refreshed as they give generously of their time and refresh so many students they invest into!
Numbers 6:24-26 Pray that the Lord blesses and keeps them and makes His face shine upon them and gives them peace.
Philippians 1:10 Pray that they will be able to discern what is best with all situations that they are faced with.
John 17:11 Pray that they will be protected in their traveling by the Power of God's Name
Luke 24:45 Pray that God will open all students minds to understand His Scriptures
Proverbs 13:20 Pray that as these students spend a week walking with the wise that they will grow wise and continue to walk with the wise
2 Thessalonians 2:17 Pray that God will encourage their hearts and strengthen them for every good deed and word.
Please feel free to add any verses or prayers that you are praying for the youth and student workers you know!
Thanks for stopping by!
Blessings from the Hollowells
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