Friday, September 13, 2013


Of the many things I long to do, one, without a doubt, is to be intentional in teaching and sharing God's Word with the upcoming generation... I hope today's post helps to give you a jumpstart in coming up with your own fun ideas of being intentional also with your children, nieces, nephews, grandkids, or whomever God lays on your heart!

 Last year, over the Christmas break, I had an opportunity to spend time with my nieces in a way that was fun and intentional and something that I pray will impact them for years to come.

My nieces are 13, 14, and 15 and were 6, 7, and 8 when I moved to Memphis to work with teenage girls.  One of the things that I desperately wanted to do was to make sure that I invested in my nieces as they moved into their teenage years, which led to this fun time with them.

I told the girls to be dressed and ready for a breakfast date (on a cold Saturday morning) by 8:00 am and we proceeded to venture to Cracker Barrel. I then requested a table in the far back corner of the restaurant.  I had individually wrapped each of them a gift box that consisted of the following items below, along with several bible verses and we had a fun and delightful “girls bible study” - right in the middle of Cracker Barrel.  After we had ordered our meal, the girls were able to open their gift box and I would tell them what to get out first…

Items in their gift boxes:

“Bible signed by me and 4 godly college girls. Each of us had written and shared a testimony of what God’s Word meant to us and we had all went through the bible underlining and highlighting many of our favorite passages and verses.” The girls didn’t want to put them down… they read and read and were seemingly mesmerized by this J I also included a picture of the 4 girls who had signed their bibles – so they would have a visual of godly, beautiful, role models.

Next in their gift box was a compact mirror.  This mirror was used to talk about the verses in James 1:22-25 where we must be doers of the Word and not hearers only and this was a comparison of  someone who must look intently into God’s Word daily as you look into a mirror… we discussed how many times we look daily into a mirror and it’s usually to see if we look ok and if there is anything that needs fixing J thus we talked about how God’s Word will show us if there is anything in our heart that needs fixing.

After the mirror they got out their next gift, which was a watch.  We used the verses in Ecclesiastes 3 to discuss the verses where it says “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the Sun.” and we also went to the passage in Matthew 26:41 where Jesus tells his disciples to “WATCH and pray so that you will not fall into temptation, the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” There was a lot of discussion on how we can "keep Watch" in our own spiritual lives! (loved hearing their hearts on this)

Following the mirror and the Watch, the girls were asked to get out their bottle of perfume.  We then looked up in our bibles 2 Corinthians 2:15 & 16 which talked about being the aroma of God and fragrance of Christ.  We discussed how we can daily do this.

Next up, the girls were given a pear of pearl earrings- (unfortunately they weren’t real pearls, but pretty pearls nonetheless J)… We then looked up the verse in Matthew 7:6 where it talks about not casting your pearls to pigs/swine… the girls loved this verse and we talked about their value and the importance of guarding themselves from ungodly boys who do not have their best interest at heart….

Last, but not least, we opened our last box inside our big box and each of my nieces got one of my rings from over the years. They immediately ask me if this was their purity ring… UMMM , OF COURSE IT IS J J J

We talked about several different passages from Proverbs 11:22 which says “Like a gold ring in a pigs snout, is a beautiful woman who shows no discretions” they loved this verse also J  we also talked about the verses in 1 Corinthians 6 which talks about our bodies being the temple of God.

We really had a blast that Saturday morning at Cracker Barrel and our waitress said that she was completely in awe of what we were doing and with tears in her eyes, she thanked the girls for being so sweet and nice.  My nieces then wanted to leave her a good tip and we left her a Christmas card also…

My desire is to continue this tradition every year -with taking them to breakfast each Christmas and giving them gift boxes full of fun things that will open up conversations and lead into bible study. 

May we all seek to be intentional in reaching and teaching this upcoming generation the truths of God's Word!

Blessings from the Hollowell Home!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Praying: Let the summer camps begin!!

This morning I was praying for my three sweet nieces who are now 14, 15,& 16 and away on Mission Trips and Summer Camps with the student ministry of their churches.

Having had the privilege of being a part of numerous summer camp adventures, I was reminded of the numbers of hours that go into preparing for a week away with hundreds of teenagers.  The teenagers have student pastors and interns and adult leaders who have chosen to use this week to invest in and plant seeds that will reap a harvest for GENERATIONS TO COME!

From late night talks on creaky bunk beds, to consoling a student who might be a little homesick, these adult leaders and student pastors and interns are continually pouring into students day after day and night after night- giving many parents a bit of summer vacation also :)

They have spent countless hours praying for the students they will have all week, as well as, countless hours lining up speakers, band, counselors, activities, buses, food menus, stage set up,- and much, much more! 

This blog is a simple reminder to PRAY for not only our students, but the many leaders who are away from their families investing into these students- and the future generations! Strive to take time to send them a letter or email of thanks for all that they do or I'm sure they'd be grateful for a gift card or some type of happy that lets them know that their investments have not gone unnoticed!!

Below are a few verses that I  would love for you to join me in praying for our leaders who will be teaching this upcoming generation!

Proverbs 11:25 - Pray that these leaders will be refreshed as they give generously of their time and refresh so many students they invest into!

Numbers 6:24-26 Pray that the Lord blesses and keeps them and makes His face shine upon them and gives them peace.

Philippians 1:10 Pray that they will be able to discern what is best with all situations that they are faced with.

John 17:11 Pray that they will be protected in their traveling by the Power of God's Name

Luke 24:45 Pray that God will open all students minds to understand His Scriptures

Proverbs 13:20 Pray that as these students spend a week walking with the wise that they will grow wise and continue to walk with the wise

2 Thessalonians 2:17 Pray that God will encourage their hearts and strengthen them for every good deed and word.

Please feel free to add any verses or prayers that you are praying for the youth and student workers you know!

Thanks for stopping by!
Blessings from the Hollowells

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

God's Word and the NEXT GENERATION

One of the things that I love to read in God's Word are all of the verses "About God's Word."

The bible is so much fun and we as adults and parents have the beautiful task of helping the NEXT GENERATION develop a love and passion for God's Word.  We must help them see that it is more than a "rule book" or a bunch of stories that happened a long time ago- but that the God of the universe speaks to each of us individually and personally through the power of His Word.  We must help God's Word to come alive for them and help them recognize how relevant it has been and will continue to be in their lives and for all Generations!

William Longstaff wrote:
"Take time to be holy, speak oft with the Lord. Abide in Him always and feed on His Word."

Donald Whitney (Author of Spiritual Disciplines) wrote in his book:

"Unfortunately today, I fear there is very little feeding on God's Word. Maybe an occasional snack or something that we go to as if we have a sweet tooth and need something to make us "feel better." Yet, there is simply no healthy Christian life apart from a diet of milk and meat from scripture."

Todays post is simply a reminder from scripture (to me and all of us) of the beauty and relevance and power of God's Word.

May we be reminded to be more than snackers of God's Word, but to daily feast in order to help the "Next Generation" understand the need to be nourished through God's Word!

Below are a few biblical reminders taken directly from God's Word- of the importance OF God's Word!

Revelation 3:1
"Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Hebrews 4:12
"For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow: it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

Romans 15:4
"For everything that was written in the past was written To Teach Us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope."

1 Samuel 3:21
"The Lord continued to appear at Shiloh, and there he revealed himself to Samuel "through His Word."

2 Timothy 3:16 &17
"ALL Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for EVERY good work!"

James 1:22
"Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves. Do What it Says!"

Luke 24:45
"And he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures." (I pray this one a lot for me :)

Charles Spurgeon says:
"If you wish to know God, you must know his Word. If you wish to perceive His Power, you must see how He works, by His Word. If you wish to know his purpose before it comes to pass, you can only discover it by His Word."

Thank you for stopping by!

Blessings from the Hollowell home

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Well it's been a while since I last posted, and for that I ask your forgiveness :)

Today's post is a continuation of praying scripture over the NEXT GENERATION! As I was reading through Proverbs I realized that I already had Hudson's name written down by many verses because I truly desire for him to be a man of wisdom and integrity. (Proverbs is known as the "WISDOM" book!)  So I began taking those verses and praying through them and placing them in alphabetical order and using these verses to pray on day 5!

I continue to feel an urgency to teach truth and pray scripture over the NEXT GENERATION! I pray that you too feel that same urgency and pass along to other moms who desire to pray scripture over their children! What a beautiful privilege we've been given to impact the future generations through the power of prayer!

Luke 18:1 says, " Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should ALWAYS pray and NOT GIVE UP." (Capitals my emphasis :)

A.. That Hudson will ACQUIRE wise counsel. Prov.1:5
B.. That he will BIND up Gods Word on his heart forever Prov. 6:21
C.. That The Lord  will be his CONFIDENCE Prov. 3:26
D.. That DISCRETION will guard him Prov. 2:2
E.. That his EAR is attentive to wisdom Prov. 2:4
F.. That FAITHFULNESS will never leave him Prov. 3:3
G.. That he will GUARD instruction well Prov.4:13
H.. That he will HONOR The Lord with his wealth Prov. 3:9
I... That he will hold on to INSTRUCTION from God's Word Prov. 4:13
J.. That he will care about the JUSTICE for the poor Prov. 29:7
K.. That he is KIND to the poor PROV. 19:17
L.. That he will commit to the LORD whatever he does Prov. 16:3
M.. That his MOTIVES are weighed by The Lord Prov. 16:2
N.. That he will have a good NAME Prov. 22:1
O.. That he will cover an OFFENSE to promote love Prov. 17:9
P.. That the Lords PURPOSE would PREVAIL in his life Prov. 19:21
Q.. That he will be a patient man who calms a QUARREL Prov. 15:18
R.. That he will REFRESH others and himself be REFRESHED Prov. 11:25
S.. That he will STORE Gods commands within his heart Prov. 7:1
T.. That he will be a TRUSTWORTHY man Prov. 11:13
U.. That he will lean not to his own UNDERSTANDING Prov. 3:5
V.. That he will know that VICTORY is in store for the upright. Prov. 2:7
W.. That he will WALK with the WISE and grow WISE Prov. 13:20
X.. That he will EXTEND his hand to the needy. Prov. 31:20
Y.. That he will keep your commands in his heart and live many YEARS. Prov. 3:1
Z.. That he will not have ZEAL without knowledge. Prov. 19:2

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Blessings from the Hollowell household 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Refining Circumstances = Defining Character

Our circumstances, although not always pleasant, are many times the tools that God chooses to both refine and define us, in order to purify our character as well as our commitment to Him. 

The definition of REFINE according to Webster’s is “to remove unwanted material; to purify”

Many times God takes us through a refining period by placing us in unlikely circumstances. 

Today we’re going to take a look at a few people in scripture that God chose to place in difficult circumstances allowing their character to be both refined and defined- all for His Glory.

God used refining circumstances all throughout scripture to define one’s character.
Take Joseph for instance: Sold into slavery by his brothers, wrongfully accused by Potipher’s wife and then thrown into prison- it was these unlikely refining circumstances that were defining his character.  His love and faithfulness to God were evident as you read about his life in Genesis chapters 39-50.  Genesis 50:20 states it best as Joseph explains to his brothers how his refining circumstances defined his View of God; “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Joseph was truly a man of character who was evidently refined and defined by his circumstances.

Not only do we see refining circumstances in the life of Joseph, but we could look at the life of Samuel and see how at age 3 his mother Hannah obediently left him at the temple with Eli the priest to be raised up and used for God’s glory.  Unlikely circumstances at the least, to think that your mother would leave you at such a young age- but as we continue to read of how God used Samuel for his glory, it is evident to see how his life was refined and his character defined.

Then, there’s Esther- once again, a person of refining circumstances! Orphaned as a child and raised by her uncle- Her refining circumstances defined her trust in the Lord. God used her as an intercessor for the Jews and although it could have cost her life, Esther knew God had used every situation and circumstance to bring her to the place of trust in Him. Thus her words in Esther 4:16 is a defining moment in her character and commitment as she states, “… I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”

The last man we’ll take a glance at is Daniel! Placed  again in unfortunate circumstances, Daniel stands as a role model for showing us that our circumstances will not only refine us- but also define us in order that God can truly use us for His Glory! 

Daniel was taken from his family and home in Judah around the age of 15, to be trained in the Babylonian Culture. It’s evident that his character and commitment were truly refined and defined as we see how Daniel had resolved not to be indoctrinated by this wicked culture.  Daniel’s faithfulness to his beliefs proved God’s faithfulness in the midst of his circumstances. Daniel found favor over and over again (as God promises in Proverbs 3:3&4) and was truly used by God. He chose to stand firm on his beliefs and not give in to the ways of the land, thus allowing God to receive all of the glory from his life.

We must seek to help the NEXT GENERATION realize that our circumstances in life can be viewed as tools that our sovereign God is using in our lives for His Glory.  May we all come to a point in our life that we too can say as Joseph, “ God intended it for good to accomplish what now is being done, the saving of many lives.”

I would love to hear how God has used your circumstances to refine and define you- For His Glory!

Thanks for stopping by and Blessings From the Hollowell Home!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Praying Specifically for the NEXT GENERATION

Specific is defined by Webster’s as: distinctly specified

As I was studying scripture this week, I found it wonderfully encouraging, yet at the same time, strongly convicting, that so many people who prayed throughout scripture prayed specifically.  Whether it was the disciples in Acts 1:24 praying specifically about who should take the place of Judas, or Jacob in Genesis 32:9-12 praying specifically about his meeting with Esau, they are beautiful reminders that we should pray about Everything! 

I fear we many times pray quick on the run prayers, and we fail to see the Power of the Amazing, Mighty God that we serve.  God longs to hear and answer our prayers, yet I wonder… how many specific prayers is He hearing.  I know when He does hear and answer our prayers, people all around us are encouraged as we share our stories of ONLY what God could do. 

Take for example, my dad shared with me how he and a friend had been praying for months about money needed for a mission in Honduras.  He works with an orphanage in Honduras who had been given the money to pour a concrete slab for a building, but they had not had the money to put the tin roof on the building.  It seemed every time that I talked with my dad he would tell me of how God was supplying the money~ yet, they were still lacking $25,000 for the roof. 

He and his friends decided to pray SPECIFICALLY about God providing that money and pray that it would come in by a certain time.  Well, several days passed and then I got a call from my dad on a Sunday afternoon and He was beyond excited and praising God. 

While at church a lady walked up to him and gave him a check for $15,000 saying that God had told her specifically to give towards this building.  Soon after that, his friend called him to say that a man had given him a check for another $5000 for the building… WOW! God is good.  And just to show you that we serve an all powerful, mighty, supply our needs God… as my dad was walking (or probably skipping) to his car, someone else walked up and gave him the last of the $25,000… another check for $5000.  What a mighty God we serve. 

So now, I challenge you, as I challenge myself…  Let’s PRAY SPECIFICALLY for our Children and the NEXT GENERATION!

Nehemiah prayed Specifically in Nehemiah 6:9 that God would strengthen his hands.  In James 5:17 we are reminded that Elijah prayed specifically that it would not rain. Oh the joy of praying about EVERYTHING from hands to rain!!

Below are some scriptures that I am striving to pray specifically for my son and for my nieces and nephews! May we find joy in praying specific scripture for the NEXT GENERATION!!

A-             That he would have the ATTITUDE of Christ… Philippians 2:5
B-             That he would be BOLD AND STOUTHEARTED … Psalm 138:3
C-             That he would be COURAGEOUS. Joshua 1:9
D-            That he would be DEVOTED TO PRAYER. Colossians 4:2
E-             That he would be an ENCOURAGER. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
F-             That he would be FAITHFUL. Proverbs 3:3
G-             That he would be GENEROUS. Proverbs 11:25
H-            That he would HIDE GODS WORD IN HIS HEART. Ps. 119:11
I-              That he will be a MAN OF INTEGRITY. 1 Chronicles 9:17
J-              That he LOVES JESUS with all of his heart. Luke 10:27
K-            That he is KIND. Ephesians 4:32
L-             That he is a godly LEADER. Isaiah 55:4
M-           That he is MERCIFUL. James 2:13
N-            That he is NEIGHBORLY. Matthew 19:18&19
O-            That he is OBEDIENT to God’s Word. 2 John verse 6
P-             That he is PATIENT. Galatians 5:22
Q-            That he has a QUICK to listen James 1:19
R-             That he is RESOLVED to do what’s right Daniel 1:8
S-             That he SEEKS first the kingdom of God Matt 6:33
T-             That he is TEACHABLE Psalm 25:4&5
U-            That he has an Undivided Heart Psalm 86:11
V-             That he has Vision Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)
W-           That he WHOLEHEARTEDLY serves the Lord Ephesians 6:7
X-             That he is a godly eXample to others 1 Corinthians 11:1
Y-             That he flees the evil desires of YOUTH 2 Timothy 2:22
Z-             That he is never lacking in ZEAL for the Lord. Romans 12:11

I would love to hear how you are praying SPECIFICALLY!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Also- a great book to read on praying specifically is THE CIRCLE MAKER by Mark Batterson

Blessings from the Hollowell Home