Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Prayer, Purpose and the NEXT GENERATION

Well, as I stated in my first post, please don't expect daily post- I am a woman of wonderful intentions, but unfortunately, not so wonderful with follow through :)

Today's key verse is one of my favorites- Acts 13:36

"For when David had served "GOD'S PURPOSE" in his own generation, he then died..."

This post will be short, as my 7 month old is starting to wake up, but one beautiful way that we can serve GOD'S PURPOSE in our own generation - is praying for the upcoming generation and teaching them the truths about God.

"If you want to know the will of God, it's found in the Word of God" unknown

One of the greatest joys I've discovered is praying God's Word over my son.

Beth Moore states that one piece of dynamite is powerful, but you put two together and it can truly demolish strongholds. (taken from the book PRAYING GOD'S WORD)

Thus, I am including a simple way that I have found of praying Scripture for this upcoming generation... Praying it alphabetically! (This is the teacher in me coming out!) For the next few days, or should I say the next few post, whenever they may be :) I will strive to give us examples of how to fulfill God's Purpose of praying His Word over the NEXT GENERATION!!

Thanks for stopping by and Blessings from the Hollowell Home!!

Praying Scripture over our Children- Alphabetically
(Most verses are from the NIV version)

A-     That he would AVOID all kinds of evil 1 Thess 5:22
B-     That he would BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ and be Saved Romans 10:9
C-     That the COMPANY he keeps will develop godly CHARACTER 1 Cor. 15:33
D-    That he would be DISCIPLINED for godliness. Hebrews 12:11
E-     That he would be EQUIPPED for doing God’s Will. Hebrews 13:20&21
F-     That he would be a FISHER of Men. Mark 1:17
G-     That he would be GRACIOUS. Proverbs 22:11
H-    That he would be HOLY. 1 Peter 1:16
I-      That he would have the INTEREST of Christ. Philippians 2:4
J-      That he would be JOYFUL 1 Thess 5:16
K-    That he would have the KNOWLEDGE of God’s Word. Proverbs 10:14
L-     That he would LEARN to do right. Isaiah 1:17
M-   That he would become MATURE and complete lacking nothing. James 1:4
N-    That he will declare God’s praises among the NATIONS. Psalm 96:3
O-    That he will make the most of every OPPORTUNITY. Colossians 4:5
P-     That he will be a PEACEMAKER. James 3:18
Q-    That he will have a gentle and QUIET spirit. 1 Peter 3:4
R-     That he is RADIANT to others. Psalm 34:5
S-     That he exercises SELF-CONTROL.  1 Peter 1:13
T-     That he would be THANKFUL.  Hebrews 12:28
U-    That he would UNDERSTAND what the Lord’s Will is. Ephesians 5:17
V-     That he would know what true VALUE is. 1Timothy 4:8
W-   That he would have a godly WIFE. Proverbs 31:10
X-     That he would think on things that are EXCELLENT. Philippians 4:8
Y-     That he would YIELD his heart to the Lord. Joshua 24:23
Z-     That he will never be lacking in ZEAL for Christ. Romans 12:11

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